Conlaxo tablets has a potential laxative formula that treats habitual constipation and hepatic insufficiency. It relieves constipation by direct stimulation of the bowels. It softens the stool by increasing intercolonic osmotic pressure. It restores normal faucal consistency.
COMPOSITION :Each coated tablet contains : Nishotar 30 mg, Jamal Ghota 30mg, Khadir 30mg, Sundh 50mg, Revandchini 30mg, Saunf 50mg, Hing 20mg, Elwa 30mg.
INDICATION :Irregular Bowel movements, habitual and recurrent constipation, hard stool, Lethargy due to congestion of liver.
DOSAGE :2-3 tablets with Luke warm water / milk at bed time for sevenconsecutive days.
PRESENTATION :Pack of 100 in HDPE jar.