This herbal preparation normalizes the blood sugar level in the severe Diabetes patient. It also treats its associated disorders and controls N.I.D.D.M.
COMPOSITION :Each capsule contains : Gurmar 80 mgs, Jamun 20 mgs, Karela 70mgs, Amla 35 mgs, Methi 25 mgs, Chirata 30 mgs, Neem 40 mgs, Jambu Chall 50 mgs, Revandchini 30 mgs, Punernawa 30 mgs, Guduchi 35 mgs, Tarwar 30 mgs.
INDICATION :Treats hyperglycemia and its associated disorders, stops the progress of distressful Diabetes, Controls N.I.D.D.M.
DOSAGE :2 Capsule twice or thrice, daily before meal.
PRESENTATION :Pack of 30 capsule in HDPE Bottle.