Endiso tablets checks frequency of motion, relieve abdominal distress such as pain and tenemus and promotes proper formation of stools without intestinal flora. It corrects the underline pathology of diarrhoea and relieves the symptoms of various intestinal infections.
COMPOSITION :Each coated tablet contains : Kuruchi 50mg, Baelgiri 50mg, Trifla 50mg, Sonageru 25mg, Khas Khas 50mg, Mochras 55mg.
INDICATION :Amoebic and Bacillary Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Mucous Colitis, Intestinal Fermentation, Infantile Diarrhoea, Heaviness in the Stomach.
DOSAGE :Adult : 2-3 Tablets three time a day., Children : 1 Tablet three times aday with water.
PRESENTATION :Pack of 100 in HDPE jar.