Benefits Of Giloy Ras
- Wintrust Giloy Ras acts as an excellent Immune Booster and a rejuvenating agent too.It posses anti-oxidant properties which improves health and fights dangerous diseases.
- It is very effective in treating chronic fever and diseases. It increases the blood platelets count and alleviates the symptoms of dengue fever as well as malarial fever.
- It provides relaxation to the stomach from Indigestion and also provides relief in piles.
- It reduces mental stress and anxiety. It also boosts up the memory and thereby reduces the Anti – ageing effects.
- Giloy Ras also posses Anti-Arthritic and Anti-Inflammatory properties, thereby taking care of Arthritis, Gout and such joint related Disorders.
- It is a very effective remedy for lowering the uric acid, as it eliminates the toxins from the kidney thereby improving Renal Functioning.
- It also acts as an excellent blood purifier and has several benefits for the skin. It reduces dark spots, pimples, fine lines, and wrinkles. Thereby keeping the skin young and beautiful.
Giloy (TinosporaCordifolia) - 99.86%
Preservatises - Q.S
Dosage : 15-30 ml to be taken twice daily or as directed by physician.