This medicine is in a syrup form and is of higher potency and effective and powerful Hepato-Stimulant, Hepato-Protective and Hepato-Regenerator, it treats severe and chronic Liver problems. It protects the Liver against various Hepatoxins and promotes appetite and growth. This medicine corrects toxic liver damage, jaundice and drug induced hepatitis and enlargement or fatty Liver. Livode D.S. Syrup improves Liver function in alcoholic disorders with abnormal biochemical parameters.
COMPOSITION :Each 10ml contains : kutuchi Ext 600mg. Trifla 400mg. Chirata Ext 600mg, Bhringraj 400mg, Punarnava 500mg, Pippli Ext 600mg. Sarpankha 500mg, Makoi 400 mg, Revandchini 200mg, Kalmegh 500mg, Chitrakmool 500mg.
INDICATION :Chronic Liver dysfunction, retarded growth, Constipation, Lack of Appetite, Jaundice etc.
DOSAGE :Adult : 2 tablespoon full thrice daily.
Children : 1 tablespoon full thrice daily.
Pack of 200 ml.