Piloz Tablet exerts Anti-inflamatory,Antiinfective and anti-hemmorrhoidal action .It reduces engorgement and turgidity of veins and venous capillaries and also relieves pain and provides assistance in the smooth evacuation of stool.
COMPOSITION :Each tablet contains : Kabili Harar 25 mg., Elwa Refined 20 mg., Ritha 50 mg., Suranjan K Talkh 10 mg., Bakain Beej 10 mg., Rasaunt 25 mg., Sarna Ext. 50 mg., Trivi Ext. 50 mg., Nag Kesar 20 mg., Mooli Ext. 50 mg.
INDICATION :Bleeding Piles, Chronic or Acute, Blind or Dry Piles, Irregular Bowel Movements resulting in Bleeding Piles.
DOSAGE :2 Tablets twice / thrice daily with lukewarm water.
PRESENTATION :Pack of 100in HDPE jar.