Trifla Ras is a pure source of vitamin C obtained from three myrobalans. It strengthens the body’s immunity, recharges the performance. It is a highly effective medicine for ensuring a proper stomach and intestinal functioning, increase peristalsis and aids a healthy assimilation, digestions & evacuation. It possess the properties of a natural Herbal Laxative, colon cleanser and Rejuvinative that maintains respiratory, kidney and cardiovascular healthy.
COMPOSITION :Each 10 ml. contains : Amla-3 ml, Bahera-3 ml, Harar-3 ml, Aloe Vera- 1ml.
INDICATION :Diges tive imbalance, cardiovascular problems, Unhealthy liver & Kidneys, Constipation, Hemorrhoids, Premature falling & greying of hair.
25-30 ml. daily 30 minutes before meals.
PRESENTATION :Pack of 450 ml.