W-Pills Simple is a highly effective medicine that treats Nervine weakness and seminal debility. It reduces the distress caused by post operative trauma, kidney troubles, backache and anemia.
COMPOSITION :Each coated tablet contains, Sudh Guggal 50mg, Sudh Shilajeet 40mg, Loh Bhasam 20mg, Turai 0mg, Swaranmakshik Bhasam 8g, Musali safed 10mg, Atis 5mg, Amla 20mg, Sunth 10mg, Kachur 10mg, Harar 10mg, Gokshru 5mg, Haldi 5mg.
INDICATION :Sexual weakness, lack of Energy, Debility, Anemia and lowered body resistance.
DOSAGE :2 tablets three times a day, with milk / Water.
PRESENTATION :Pack of 100 in HDPE jar.